Two Worlds Apart


This series explores the slums that crept up, unplanned and went on to carve out a space in major famous cities. Besides delving into these glaring and yet little-known aspects of these cities, we catch a glimpse into the lives of the slums' inhabitants. We probe into how these cities manage their housing problems amidst rapid development, and see how the locals prepare to deal with these crises. 每座繁华的都市背后都隐匿着超载的危机。随着现代化和城市化的加速,越来越多乡镇人口及外来移民涌入城市,居住危机成了未来国际社会最大的难题之一。城市中的「贫民窟」因而迅速发展。根据联合国的统计,世界有32亿人居住在城市,而将近10亿人生活在城市的阴暗角落。城市贫民窟无疑为城市的发展带来沉重的负担。这个节目旨在探索各大著名城市意想不到的「低端人口」聚集地,以及那里的生活状况,挖掘近在眼前,却不为人知晓的城市面貌,看看每座城市在高速发展下被悬置的居住难题,而当地人又准备怎么处理这些危机。

This series explores the slums that crept up, unplanned and went on to carve out a space in major famous cities. Besides delving into these glaring and yet little-known aspects of these cities, we catch a glimpse into the lives of the slums' inhabitants. We probe into how these cities manage their housing problems amidst rapid development, and see how the locals prepare to deal with these crises. 每座繁华的都市背后都隐匿着超载的危机。随着现代化和城市化的加速,越来越多乡镇人口及外来移民涌入城市,居住危机成了未来国际社会最大的难题之一。城市中的「贫民窟」因而迅速发展。根据联合国的统计,世界有32亿人居住在城市,而将近10亿人生活在城市的阴暗角落。城市贫民窟无疑为城市的发展带来沉重的负担。这个节目旨在探索各大著名城市意想不到的「低端人口」聚集地,以及那里的生活状况,挖掘近在眼前,却不为人知晓的城市面貌,看看每座城市在高速发展下被悬置的居住难题,而当地人又准备怎么处理这些危机。

Seoul. Korea
45 mins

Once one of the poorest areas in the world, "the miracle on the Han River" has seen a meteoric rise to become a bustling global metropolis. But deep in the glamorous Gangnam area lies the "last shanty town of Seoul" where makeshift dwellings have mushroomed, forming a considerable settlement. While the city continues to thrive, prosperity seems to have sidestepped its poorest inhabitants. 首尔曾是世界上最贫困的地区,经历一代人的奋斗创造了“汉江奇迹”,成为最富裕的城市之一。。。

Seoul. Korea

Once one of the poorest areas in the world, "the miracle on the Han River" has seen a meteoric rise to become a bustling global metropolis. But deep in the glamorous Gangnam area lies the "last shanty town of Seoul" where makeshift dwellings have mushroomed, forming a considerable settlement. While the city continues to thrive, prosperity seems to have sidestepped its poorest inhabitants. 首尔曾是世界上最贫困的地区,经历一代人的奋斗创造了“汉江奇迹”,成为最富裕的城市之一。。。

Marseille. France
46 mins

Although the French advocates "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity", here lives the Romani people who have been ostracized for generations. Living in fenced illegal clusters next to the railway, they keep to themselves. Is deep-seated discrimination keeping them from integrating into the French society? “自由、平等、博爱” 是法国民主革命宣言,这里却住着世世代代被排挤在外的罗姆人。他们竖起围墙、蜗居在铁道旁的违法建筑里,不轻易让外人走入他们的世界。是根深蒂固的歧视,让他们无论多努力,都逃不出困境吗?

Marseille. France

Although the French advocates "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity", here lives the Romani people who have been ostracized for generations. Living in fenced illegal clusters next to the railway, they keep to themselves. Is deep-seated discrimination keeping them from integrating into the French society? “自由、平等、博爱” 是法国民主革命宣言,这里却住着世世代代被排挤在外的罗姆人。他们竖起围墙、蜗居在铁道旁的违法建筑里,不轻易让外人走入他们的世界。是根深蒂固的歧视,让他们无论多努力,都逃不出困境吗?

Osaka. Japan
45 mins

Many people would think Japan has no poverty. Just next to the bustling shopping district in Osaka, there is Kamagasaki, the largest slum in Japan. After the economic bubble burst in the 90s, blue-collar workers here lost their jobs, while marginalized people move here for the low cost of living. 很多人以为日本是个没有穷人的国家。但在大阪繁华购物区一街之隔,却有着日本最大的贫民窟釜崎。90年代经济泡沫破灭,在此劳其一生的蓝领阶级因此失去生计,而许多穷途末路的边缘人,相继被釜崎的低物价所吸引而来。

Osaka. Japan

Many people would think Japan has no poverty. Just next to the bustling shopping district in Osaka, there is Kamagasaki, the largest slum in Japan. After the economic bubble burst in the 90s, blue-collar workers here lost their jobs, while marginalized people move here for the low cost of living. 很多人以为日本是个没有穷人的国家。但在大阪繁华购物区一街之隔,却有着日本最大的贫民窟釜崎。90年代经济泡沫破灭,在此劳其一生的蓝领阶级因此失去生计,而许多穷途末路的边缘人,相继被釜崎的低物价所吸引而来。

Istanbul. Turkey
44 mins

In Istanbul, one of Europe's wealthiest cities, a huge divide stands between the classy Istiklal Street and the adjoining area of Tarlabasi. The city's oldest slum Tarlabasi is infamous among locals for its widespread crime. Yet the rundown neighbourhood is a vibrant kaleidoscope of diverse ethnicities and cultures, drawing in refugees, migrant workers and the poor who forge on despite adversity. 伊斯坦布尔过去一直是容纳多元民族的帝国之都,也是欧洲最富裕的城市之一。。。

Istanbul. Turkey

In Istanbul, one of Europe's wealthiest cities, a huge divide stands between the classy Istiklal Street and the adjoining area of Tarlabasi. The city's oldest slum Tarlabasi is infamous among locals for its widespread crime. Yet the rundown neighbourhood is a vibrant kaleidoscope of diverse ethnicities and cultures, drawing in refugees, migrant workers and the poor who forge on despite adversity. 伊斯坦布尔过去一直是容纳多元民族的帝国之都,也是欧洲最富裕的城市之一。。。

Vietnam. Ho Chi Minh City
44 mins

Along the rivers and canals of Ho Chi Minh City, the financial hub of Vietnam, are thousands of families living in shanty houses, where highly polluted water emits foul smell. In the middle of the city itself, is a slum where residents live in dark, tiny houses, waiting for the dawn of their lives. 胡志明市是越南的经济中心。然而,在这个繁华都市的河道沿岸却是住着数千户人家的简陋铁皮屋。河水严重污染,发出恶臭。在市中心,还有一个格格不入的贫民窟,居民蜗居在狭小昏暗的破房子里,等待他们生命中的曙光。

Vietnam. Ho Chi Minh City

Along the rivers and canals of Ho Chi Minh City, the financial hub of Vietnam, are thousands of families living in shanty houses, where highly polluted water emits foul smell. In the middle of the city itself, is a slum where residents live in dark, tiny houses, waiting for the dawn of their lives. 胡志明市是越南的经济中心。然而,在这个繁华都市的河道沿岸却是住着数千户人家的简陋铁皮屋。河水严重污染,发出恶臭。在市中心,还有一个格格不入的贫民窟,居民蜗居在狭小昏暗的破房子里,等待他们生命中的曙光。

Portugal. Lisbon
46 mins

Lisbon, the capital of Portugal, is the promised land for people from Cape Verde, a former Portuguese colony. Cape Verdeans migrated to Portugal as early as the 70s, but still face racial discrimination to this day. Living in the slums on the outskirts of Lisbon, they fight hard to keep their home. 葡萄牙是首个全球性殖民帝国。首都里斯本是前殖民地人 - 佛得角人向往美好生活的异乡。早在70年代就移居葡萄牙的他们,住在里斯本外围的贫民窟,至今仍然受到严重歧视。尽管如此,他们极力守护他们简陋的家园。

Portugal. Lisbon

Lisbon, the capital of Portugal, is the promised land for people from Cape Verde, a former Portuguese colony. Cape Verdeans migrated to Portugal as early as the 70s, but still face racial discrimination to this day. Living in the slums on the outskirts of Lisbon, they fight hard to keep their home. 葡萄牙是首个全球性殖民帝国。首都里斯本是前殖民地人 - 佛得角人向往美好生活的异乡。早在70年代就移居葡萄牙的他们,住在里斯本外围的贫民窟,至今仍然受到严重歧视。尽管如此,他们极力守护他们简陋的家园。

Bangkok. Thailand
45 mins

Claimed as the largest slum in Bangkok, Khlong Toei has harboured over 100,000 habitants in the city. Progress has been made over the years driven by the NGOs and residents, though hardship still stroke many households. Optimism and mutual spirits hold up the community while the community's future remains unknown as the land of the Port Authority is planned for further development. 泰国约有5500个贫民窟,孔堤社区为曼谷规模最大。隶属曼谷港口管理机构的土地过去因大量的工作机会...

Bangkok. Thailand

Claimed as the largest slum in Bangkok, Khlong Toei has harboured over 100,000 habitants in the city. Progress has been made over the years driven by the NGOs and residents, though hardship still stroke many households. Optimism and mutual spirits hold up the community while the community's future remains unknown as the land of the Port Authority is planned for further development. 泰国约有5500个贫民窟,孔堤社区为曼谷规模最大。隶属曼谷港口管理机构的土地过去因大量的工作机会...

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