The Unbreakable Bond


Yun Ze is a successor of a medical group. To secure the inheritance and to save his life, his father Zhao Hua deceived Xiu Huan and coaxes his illegitimate son Yun Cong into donating his bone-marrow and organs to sustain the life of Yun Ze. When Shi Yuan came into the life of the two brothers, Yun Ze gradually falls in love with her, not knowing that Yun Cong has discovered Shi Yuan likes Yun Cong … 允泽是康隆医疗机构的继承人,父亲兆华为了保住他的性命,同时替他守住家中产业,不惜利用爱慕自己的秀环,从她和自己生的小儿子允聪身上夺取允泽所需,让允聪长期配合捐献骨髓、器官等,延续允泽的生命。兄弟两人在结识个性倔强自强的时愿后,疼惜兄长的允聪发现允泽心仪时愿,虽然意识到时愿爱慕自己,仍选择拱手让爱…

Yun Ze is a successor of a medical group. To secure the inheritance and to save his life, his father Zhao Hua deceived Xiu Huan and coaxes his illegitimate son Yun Cong into donating his bone-marrow and organs to sustain the life of Yun Ze. When Shi Yuan came into the life of the two brothers, Yun Ze gradually falls in love with her, not knowing that Yun Cong has discovered Shi Yuan likes Yun Cong … 允泽是康隆医疗机构的继承人,父亲兆华为了保住他的性命,同时替他守住家中产业,不惜利用爱慕自己的秀环,从她和自己生的小儿子允聪身上夺取允泽所需,让允聪长期配合捐献骨髓、器官等,延续允泽的生命。兄弟两人在结识个性倔强自强的时愿后,疼惜兄长的允聪发现允泽心仪时愿,虽然意识到时愿爱慕自己,仍选择拱手让爱…

Ep 1
46 mins

Yun Ze and Yun Cong shares a very close relationship. Since young, Yun Cong has been donating his bone-marrow and organs to sustain the life of his stepbrother, Yun Ze. Their father, Zhao Hua, is the president of Kang Long Medical Group, and in order to protect Yun Ze's position as successor, he is embroiled in a power struggle with Dawson... 允泽和允聪是同父异母的兄弟,两人感情深厚。允泽自小多病,允聪非常照顾他。允聪小时候,就捐赠了器官和骨髓给哥哥续命。兄弟俩的父亲顾兆华是康隆医疗机构的总裁,视允泽为自己的继承人...

Ep 1

Yun Ze and Yun Cong shares a very close relationship. Since young, Yun Cong has been donating his bone-marrow and organs to sustain the life of his stepbrother, Yun Ze. Their father, Zhao Hua, is the president of Kang Long Medical Group, and in order to protect Yun Ze's position as successor, he is embroiled in a power struggle with Dawson... 允泽和允聪是同父异母的兄弟,两人感情深厚。允泽自小多病,允聪非常照顾他。允聪小时候,就捐赠了器官和骨髓给哥哥续命。兄弟俩的父亲顾兆华是康隆医疗机构的总裁,视允泽为自己的继承人...

Ep 2
46 mins

Yun Cong found out that Shi Yuan was stealing medicine and wanted to help, but Shi Yuan was suspicious of him. When Ah Hui and friends throw curry at Shi Yuan in an act of mischief, Shi Yuan was thankful for Yun Cong's help. Yun Cong gave medicine and health supplements to Shi Yuan with a genuine heart to help, and it made Shi Yuan felt guilty for doubting him. 允聪发现时愿偷窃药物,追问原因,想要帮忙,时愿对他有戒心,不肯透露。时愿被阿辉和朋友泼咖喱汁,眼睛辣得睁不开。允聪将阿辉赶跑,并帮忙时愿清洗,时愿心中感激。。。

Ep 2

Yun Cong found out that Shi Yuan was stealing medicine and wanted to help, but Shi Yuan was suspicious of him. When Ah Hui and friends throw curry at Shi Yuan in an act of mischief, Shi Yuan was thankful for Yun Cong's help. Yun Cong gave medicine and health supplements to Shi Yuan with a genuine heart to help, and it made Shi Yuan felt guilty for doubting him. 允聪发现时愿偷窃药物,追问原因,想要帮忙,时愿对他有戒心,不肯透露。时愿被阿辉和朋友泼咖喱汁,眼睛辣得睁不开。允聪将阿辉赶跑,并帮忙时愿清洗,时愿心中感激。。。

Ep 3
46 mins

Yun Ze was curious about Shi Yuan after hearing about her from Yun Cong, and got to meet her when Yun Cong invited Shi Yuan to his birthday celebration. However, Yun Ze offended Shi Yuan due to his lack of communication skills, and when he seek help from Shi Yuan to fix a broken toilet bowl, Shi Yuan ridiculed him for not being man enough and walked away. 允聪把时愿的事告诉允泽,允泽对时愿产生兴趣。允聪在小伞人办生日会,邀请时愿参加。允泽与时愿交谈,但不擅于交际的他却得罪了时愿。厕所抽水马桶不能操作,允泽要时愿帮忙处理...

Ep 3

Yun Ze was curious about Shi Yuan after hearing about her from Yun Cong, and got to meet her when Yun Cong invited Shi Yuan to his birthday celebration. However, Yun Ze offended Shi Yuan due to his lack of communication skills, and when he seek help from Shi Yuan to fix a broken toilet bowl, Shi Yuan ridiculed him for not being man enough and walked away. 允聪把时愿的事告诉允泽,允泽对时愿产生兴趣。允聪在小伞人办生日会,邀请时愿参加。允泽与时愿交谈,但不擅于交际的他却得罪了时愿。厕所抽水马桶不能操作,允泽要时愿帮忙处理...

Ep 4
46 mins

Luo Ye Ye was brought to the police station due to his involvement in the hospital protest. Shi Yuan hears from Luo Ye Ye that the protesters will get an angbao, and suspects that they were instigated by someone else. When Yun Cong found out that someone has been supporting the lawsuit, he suspects that things are much more complicated, and told Frankie about this. 因孕妇难产事件,罗爷爷到康隆医院示威,Frankie报警,罗爷爷被捉去警局,时愿将他保释。时愿从爷爷口中得知,到医院示威有红包拿,怀疑背后有人教唆。。。

Ep 4

Luo Ye Ye was brought to the police station due to his involvement in the hospital protest. Shi Yuan hears from Luo Ye Ye that the protesters will get an angbao, and suspects that they were instigated by someone else. When Yun Cong found out that someone has been supporting the lawsuit, he suspects that things are much more complicated, and told Frankie about this. 因孕妇难产事件,罗爷爷到康隆医院示威,Frankie报警,罗爷爷被捉去警局,时愿将他保释。时愿从爷爷口中得知,到医院示威有红包拿,怀疑背后有人教唆。。。

Ep 5
45 mins

Dawson hears that a good number of shareholders has agreed to support him, and celebrated thinking that he will be able to win Zhao Hua. He was instead caught by the police for drugs use when Frankie bribe Cass to drug Dawson's beverage, causing him to also miss the shareholders meeting. Zhao Hua fired Dawson as a result, with Dawson losing everything. Dawson得知有好几个股东已经答应支持他,认为一定能在股东大会上扳倒兆华,提前去庆祝。Frankie收买Cass,在Dawson的饮料中下药,不但导致Dawson缺席股东大会...

Ep 5

Dawson hears that a good number of shareholders has agreed to support him, and celebrated thinking that he will be able to win Zhao Hua. He was instead caught by the police for drugs use when Frankie bribe Cass to drug Dawson's beverage, causing him to also miss the shareholders meeting. Zhao Hua fired Dawson as a result, with Dawson losing everything. Dawson得知有好几个股东已经答应支持他,认为一定能在股东大会上扳倒兆华,提前去庆祝。Frankie收买Cass,在Dawson的饮料中下药,不但导致Dawson缺席股东大会...

Ep 6
46 mins

Yun Cong, Yun Ze and LeAnn went cycling and met Shi Yuan. Yun Ze wanted to prove his bicycle knowledge, which made Shi Yuan think he is a weirdo. When Shi Yuan found that Yun Ze's online goldfish pet was Ah Hui's goldfish that died, she reminded Yun Ze to be wary of scams. 允聪、允泽、LeAnn去骑脚踏车,时愿来到,允泽一心想证明自己研究脚踏车的立场,更让时愿觉得他是个怪人。时愿发现允泽在网上养的金鱼,竟然就是阿辉死掉的那只,语重心长地提醒允泽不要被人骗。

Ep 6

Yun Cong, Yun Ze and LeAnn went cycling and met Shi Yuan. Yun Ze wanted to prove his bicycle knowledge, which made Shi Yuan think he is a weirdo. When Shi Yuan found that Yun Ze's online goldfish pet was Ah Hui's goldfish that died, she reminded Yun Ze to be wary of scams. 允聪、允泽、LeAnn去骑脚踏车,时愿来到,允泽一心想证明自己研究脚踏车的立场,更让时愿觉得他是个怪人。时愿发现允泽在网上养的金鱼,竟然就是阿辉死掉的那只,语重心长地提醒允泽不要被人骗。

Ep 7
46 mins

Ah Ling decided to transfer Ah Sheng to Kang Long hospital, and was pleasantly surprised when the doctor said there is no need for amputation. Shi Yuan found out about Yun Ze and Yun Cong's identity as princes' of Kang Long, and was unhappy that they concealed their identities. Yun Ze confronted Ah Sheng's boss to seek compensation, but was pushed over by the foreman... 阿玲决定将阿生转到康隆医院,医生表示不必截肢,众人惊喜不已。时愿却发现允泽两兄弟是康隆医院的太子爷,不满他们隐瞒身份。允泽找到阿生前老板施工的工地,为阿生

Ep 7

Ah Ling decided to transfer Ah Sheng to Kang Long hospital, and was pleasantly surprised when the doctor said there is no need for amputation. Shi Yuan found out about Yun Ze and Yun Cong's identity as princes' of Kang Long, and was unhappy that they concealed their identities. Yun Ze confronted Ah Sheng's boss to seek compensation, but was pushed over by the foreman... 阿玲决定将阿生转到康隆医院,医生表示不必截肢,众人惊喜不已。时愿却发现允泽两兄弟是康隆医院的太子爷,不满他们隐瞒身份。允泽找到阿生前老板施工的工地,为阿生

Ep 8
46 mins

Luo Ye Ye knows that he is sick, and worries for Shi Yuan's future. He applied for her to resume nursing course in school but Shi Yuan did not appreciate that. The two of them had an argument when Luo Ye Ye exposed Shi Yuan on how she would not be helping out at the nursing home if she did not still have an interest in nursing. Luo Ye Ye ran away from home in a fit of anger. 罗爷爷知道自己身体有病,担心时愿的未来,私自为她办复学,希望她继续修读护理课程,时愿却不领情。罗爷爷揭穿时愿还是想当护士的,否则不会到疗养院去帮

Ep 8

Luo Ye Ye knows that he is sick, and worries for Shi Yuan's future. He applied for her to resume nursing course in school but Shi Yuan did not appreciate that. The two of them had an argument when Luo Ye Ye exposed Shi Yuan on how she would not be helping out at the nursing home if she did not still have an interest in nursing. Luo Ye Ye ran away from home in a fit of anger. 罗爷爷知道自己身体有病,担心时愿的未来,私自为她办复学,希望她继续修读护理课程,时愿却不领情。罗爷爷揭穿时愿还是想当护士的,否则不会到疗养院去帮

Ep 9
46 mins

Luo Ye Ye's days are numbered as his diabetes worsen, and is affecting his kidneys. Shi Yuan and Luo Ye Ye are about to face life and death, and this reminded Yun Cong of the time his mother left him. Yun Ze decides to fill Luo Ye Ye's remaining days with nothing but joy, not leaving any regrets. 罗爷爷因为糖尿病恶化,影响肾功能,时日无多。时愿与罗爷爷即将面临生离死别,让允聪想起当初妈妈离开他的情景,对时愿感同身受。允泽决定在爷爷有生之年,让他开开心心地过,不留任何遗憾。

Ep 9

Luo Ye Ye's days are numbered as his diabetes worsen, and is affecting his kidneys. Shi Yuan and Luo Ye Ye are about to face life and death, and this reminded Yun Cong of the time his mother left him. Yun Ze decides to fill Luo Ye Ye's remaining days with nothing but joy, not leaving any regrets. 罗爷爷因为糖尿病恶化,影响肾功能,时日无多。时愿与罗爷爷即将面临生离死别,让允聪想起当初妈妈离开他的情景,对时愿感同身受。允泽决定在爷爷有生之年,让他开开心心地过,不留任何遗憾。

Ep 10
46 mins

Xiu Huan is finally released from prison after 20 years. She went back to her old residence, and cried as she was reminded of Yun Cong. Yun Cong and Yun Ze happened to pass by, but they did not recognise her. Xiu Huan bumps into Zhao Hua when she was seeking medical treatment at Kang Long hospital. When Zhao Hua calls Yun Cong and tells him about it, Yun Cong could not believe it! 在入狱20年后,秀环终于出狱。她回到旧居,想起了自己的孩子允聪,忍不住哭泣。允聪和允泽正好经过,但双方并没有认出彼此。秀环因受伤而来

Ep 10

Xiu Huan is finally released from prison after 20 years. She went back to her old residence, and cried as she was reminded of Yun Cong. Yun Cong and Yun Ze happened to pass by, but they did not recognise her. Xiu Huan bumps into Zhao Hua when she was seeking medical treatment at Kang Long hospital. When Zhao Hua calls Yun Cong and tells him about it, Yun Cong could not believe it! 在入狱20年后,秀环终于出狱。她回到旧居,想起了自己的孩子允聪,忍不住哭泣。允聪和允泽正好经过,但双方并没有认出彼此。秀环因受伤而来

Ep 11
46 mins

Yun Cong and Xiu Huan embraces each other excitedly as mother and son finally reunites. Yun Cong accompanies Xiu Huan to the supermarket and they meet Shi Yuan. Through their interactions, Xiu Huan sense that the two of them have feelings for each other. Xiu Huan asks Frankie who was the one who framed Zhao Hua and made her take the blame years back, but Frankie was vague about it.

Ep 11

Yun Cong and Xiu Huan embraces each other excitedly as mother and son finally reunites. Yun Cong accompanies Xiu Huan to the supermarket and they meet Shi Yuan. Through their interactions, Xiu Huan sense that the two of them have feelings for each other. Xiu Huan asks Frankie who was the one who framed Zhao Hua and made her take the blame years back, but Frankie was vague about it.

Ep 12
46 mins

Xiu Huan discovers the scar on Yun Cong's waist, and that he had donated his kidney to Yun Ze. Xiu Huan was devastated and blames herself for not protecting Yun Cong well. She recalls that Zhao Hua had promised not to hurt Yun Cong, but he obviously did not keep his promise. Xiu Huan was heartbroken thinking about the sufferings Yun Cong had to go through.

Ep 12

Xiu Huan discovers the scar on Yun Cong's waist, and that he had donated his kidney to Yun Ze. Xiu Huan was devastated and blames herself for not protecting Yun Cong well. She recalls that Zhao Hua had promised not to hurt Yun Cong, but he obviously did not keep his promise. Xiu Huan was heartbroken thinking about the sufferings Yun Cong had to go through.

Ep 13
46 mins

Yun Ze asks Yun Cong if he likes Shi Yuan, but Yun Cong was not sure, and told Yun Ze that they are just friends. Yun Ze was secretly happy, and confesses his feelings to Shi Yuan, who was taken aback and ran away. Xiu Huan found out from Sister Liu that it was Frankie who told Sister Liu to lie, in order to get Xiu Huan back... 允泽问允聪是否喜欢时愿,允聪也不确定,告诉哥哥他们只是纯友谊的关系,允泽心中暗喜。允泽向时愿表白心意,时愿吓了一跳,无法接受,急忙逃走。秀环从刘姐口中,得知当年是Frankie让刘姐说谎,骗自己回来的……。

Ep 13

Yun Ze asks Yun Cong if he likes Shi Yuan, but Yun Cong was not sure, and told Yun Ze that they are just friends. Yun Ze was secretly happy, and confesses his feelings to Shi Yuan, who was taken aback and ran away. Xiu Huan found out from Sister Liu that it was Frankie who told Sister Liu to lie, in order to get Xiu Huan back... 允泽问允聪是否喜欢时愿,允聪也不确定,告诉哥哥他们只是纯友谊的关系,允泽心中暗喜。允泽向时愿表白心意,时愿吓了一跳,无法接受,急忙逃走。秀环从刘姐口中,得知当年是Frankie让刘姐说谎,骗自己回来的……。

Ep 14
45 mins

Zhao Hua confessed to framing Xiu Huan and landing her in jail when Xiu Huan confronted him, admitting that he did it to save Yun Ze. Xiu Huan did not expect that Zhao Hua will sacrifice Yun Cong and herself in order to save Yun Ze. Zhao Hua warns Xiu Huan not to cause trouble, because no matter what she does, nothing will change. Xiu Huan left home in despair...

Ep 14

Zhao Hua confessed to framing Xiu Huan and landing her in jail when Xiu Huan confronted him, admitting that he did it to save Yun Ze. Xiu Huan did not expect that Zhao Hua will sacrifice Yun Cong and herself in order to save Yun Ze. Zhao Hua warns Xiu Huan not to cause trouble, because no matter what she does, nothing will change. Xiu Huan left home in despair...

Ep 15
46 mins

Yun Ze apologised for the abrupt confession to Shi Yuan earlier. Shi Yuan tells Yun Ze that she has no feelings for him, and do not see a future together. Yun Ze has no choice but to accept, but not giving up, Yun Ze told Shi Yuan that his feelings will not change, as long as Shi Yuan do not hate him. Yun Cong overheard the conversation, realising that his brother also likes Shi Yuan.

Ep 15

Yun Ze apologised for the abrupt confession to Shi Yuan earlier. Shi Yuan tells Yun Ze that she has no feelings for him, and do not see a future together. Yun Ze has no choice but to accept, but not giving up, Yun Ze told Shi Yuan that his feelings will not change, as long as Shi Yuan do not hate him. Yun Cong overheard the conversation, realising that his brother also likes Shi Yuan.

Ep 16
46 mins

LeAnn uses Xiu Huan's time in prison due to drug possession to hurt Zhao Hua. Xiu Huan is chased by reporters and runs home in terror. Yun Cong and Yun Ze are surprised to learn about Xiu Huan's past. Xiu Huan admits to her past, hiding it so that Yun Cong will not perceive her as a bad person. Yun Cong is distressed by his mother's suffering, but Xiu Huan refuses to elaborate on the details.

Ep 16

LeAnn uses Xiu Huan's time in prison due to drug possession to hurt Zhao Hua. Xiu Huan is chased by reporters and runs home in terror. Yun Cong and Yun Ze are surprised to learn about Xiu Huan's past. Xiu Huan admits to her past, hiding it so that Yun Cong will not perceive her as a bad person. Yun Cong is distressed by his mother's suffering, but Xiu Huan refuses to elaborate on the details.

Ep 17
46 mins

Josh sends his men to abduct Yun Cong, who was together with Shi Yuan, implicating her. Josh asks Yun Cong to hand over the memory card and strips off Shi Yuan's clothes to threaten him with the nude video. Yun Cong tries to grab Josh's phone, but was beaten up. When Frankie arrives in time to stop Josh, Yun Cong is shocked to see that they both know each other.

Ep 17

Josh sends his men to abduct Yun Cong, who was together with Shi Yuan, implicating her. Josh asks Yun Cong to hand over the memory card and strips off Shi Yuan's clothes to threaten him with the nude video. Yun Cong tries to grab Josh's phone, but was beaten up. When Frankie arrives in time to stop Josh, Yun Cong is shocked to see that they both know each other.

Ep 18
46 mins

Zhao Hua sends someone to harass Xiu Huan. Xiu Huan runs to the rooftop and accidentally falls to her death. Yun Cong is in grief, and he accuses Zhao Hua as the mastermind of what led to Xiu Huan's jail time and eventually death. Zhao Hua is unrepentant and insists that he has never been unkind to them. Heartbroken, Yun Cong decides to take revenge...

Ep 18

Zhao Hua sends someone to harass Xiu Huan. Xiu Huan runs to the rooftop and accidentally falls to her death. Yun Cong is in grief, and he accuses Zhao Hua as the mastermind of what led to Xiu Huan's jail time and eventually death. Zhao Hua is unrepentant and insists that he has never been unkind to them. Heartbroken, Yun Cong decides to take revenge...

Ep 19
45 mins

Yun Cong left the hospital before his injuries healed and found a job in a pharmacy. Yun Ze finds him, and reveals that Yun Cong got hurt because he cannot bear to hurt him and his father. Yun Ze was spot on, Yun Cong feels very hurt as he admits that he cannot bear to seek revenge, but neither can he forgive Zhao Hua, and their relationship can never be the same as before...

Ep 19

Yun Cong left the hospital before his injuries healed and found a job in a pharmacy. Yun Ze finds him, and reveals that Yun Cong got hurt because he cannot bear to hurt him and his father. Yun Ze was spot on, Yun Cong feels very hurt as he admits that he cannot bear to seek revenge, but neither can he forgive Zhao Hua, and their relationship can never be the same as before...

Ep 20
46 mins

To bring Zhao Hua down, Yun Cong and LeAnn team up to expose his crimes. Zhang Yan is not pleased that Zhao Hua terminates the cooperation unilaterally, so he decides to hurt Yun Ze. He breaks into Zhao Hua's house and kidnaps Yun Cong and Yun Ze. As Zhang Yan is unsure who is Yun Ze, both Yun Cong and Yun Ze rush to admit that they are Yun Ze, worried that the other would be hurt...

Ep 20

To bring Zhao Hua down, Yun Cong and LeAnn team up to expose his crimes. Zhang Yan is not pleased that Zhao Hua terminates the cooperation unilaterally, so he decides to hurt Yun Ze. He breaks into Zhao Hua's house and kidnaps Yun Cong and Yun Ze. As Zhang Yan is unsure who is Yun Ze, both Yun Cong and Yun Ze rush to admit that they are Yun Ze, worried that the other would be hurt...

Additional Information

Parental guidance advised for young children