Uniquely Ours


Single mother Lin Minchen resorts to moving in with single father Zhao Ziyao and his two kids—one undergoing puberty and the other in their rebellious phase. They form a found family as they learn to set their differences aside and help each other tackle parenting issues and other challenges. 母兼父职的单亲妈妈林敏辰在走投无路下,与面临青春期和叛逆期孩子的单亲爸爸赵梓尧同屋共住,彼此从水火不容到互相扶持,帮助彼此解决与面对亲子问题以及生活困境,组成一个没有婚姻、血缘关系的另类家庭。

Single mother Lin Minchen resorts to moving in with single father Zhao Ziyao and his two kids—one undergoing puberty and the other in their rebellious phase. They form a found family as they learn to set their differences aside and help each other tackle parenting issues and other challenges. 母兼父职的单亲妈妈林敏辰在走投无路下,与面临青春期和叛逆期孩子的单亲爸爸赵梓尧同屋共住,彼此从水火不容到互相扶持,帮助彼此解决与面对亲子问题以及生活困境,组成一个没有婚姻、血缘关系的另类家庭。

Ep 1
46 mins

Creative director and single father Ziyao gets into a fight with his son Ruiyang for riding a motorbike behind his back and getting hospitalised. He blames his ex-wife Peng Shuying for buying their son a bike. Minchen’s son Shaokang is injured when loan sharks set their flat on fire. Minchen’s pride forbids her from moving in with her mother after she fell out with her for marrying Guanjun. 身为创意总监的梓尧是个单亲爸爸,儿子睿阳出意外,他赶往医院,得悉睿阳瞒着他骑摩哆,两人起冲突。。。

Ep 1

Creative director and single father Ziyao gets into a fight with his son Ruiyang for riding a motorbike behind his back and getting hospitalised. He blames his ex-wife Peng Shuying for buying their son a bike. Minchen’s son Shaokang is injured when loan sharks set their flat on fire. Minchen’s pride forbids her from moving in with her mother after she fell out with her for marrying Guanjun. 身为创意总监的梓尧是个单亲爸爸,儿子睿阳出意外,他赶往医院,得悉睿阳瞒着他骑摩哆,两人起冲突。。。

Ep 2
46 mins

Upset about Ziyao’s repressive parenting, Ruiyang swaps one of his files and gets him fired. The daily bickering of college student Yuling’s parents has the cops come knocking. When her mother Jiahui vents her anger on Yuling, Yuling tells her parents to get a divorce. Minchen sells her flat to clear her debts and is scammed by a property agent when she tries to rent a place. 睿阳生气梓尧处处管制他,于是偷偷替换掉梓尧的文件档,导致梓尧被公司开除!大学生语灵见父母每天吵吵闹闹,甚至闹到警察上门...

Ep 2

Upset about Ziyao’s repressive parenting, Ruiyang swaps one of his files and gets him fired. The daily bickering of college student Yuling’s parents has the cops come knocking. When her mother Jiahui vents her anger on Yuling, Yuling tells her parents to get a divorce. Minchen sells her flat to clear her debts and is scammed by a property agent when she tries to rent a place. 睿阳生气梓尧处处管制他,于是偷偷替换掉梓尧的文件档,导致梓尧被公司开除!大学生语灵见父母每天吵吵闹闹,甚至闹到警察上门...

Ep 3
46 mins

Despite Ruiyang’s worries, Ziyao is unaffected by his firing—until he realises during an interview he’s accused of plagiarism and his reputation is ruined. He turns to investing in stocks and loses everything. Ruiyang and Keith exploit their good looks to steal business from a durian stall. Minchen save the business with a marketing gimmick involving durians and three-pointers. 睿阳担心梓尧被辞退后会一蹶不振,没想到梓尧一点也不担心,直到面试时,才知道自己成了文抄公,声誉全毁。梓尧为了赚钱,只能投资股票...

Ep 3

Despite Ruiyang’s worries, Ziyao is unaffected by his firing—until he realises during an interview he’s accused of plagiarism and his reputation is ruined. He turns to investing in stocks and loses everything. Ruiyang and Keith exploit their good looks to steal business from a durian stall. Minchen save the business with a marketing gimmick involving durians and three-pointers. 睿阳担心梓尧被辞退后会一蹶不振,没想到梓尧一点也不担心,直到面试时,才知道自己成了文抄公,声誉全毁。梓尧为了赚钱,只能投资股票...

Ep 4
46 mins

A furious Ziyao finds out Ruiyang rented a room to Minchen. Minchen puts up with him when he tries to make things difficult for her. Ruiyang helps Yuling by bringing Tommy to the doctor and paying for his bills. Yuling is disappointed when her phone battery dies before she can pay Ruiyang and save his number. 梓尧得知睿阳瞒着自己将房间租给敏辰,气急败坏!梓尧被逼同意让敏辰母子暂时住下,故意处处刁难敏辰,敏辰只得咬牙忍受。睿阳不但帮语灵一起带Tommy去看医生,还帮忙还医药费。语灵要转账还睿阳钱,谁知手机却没电,来不及储存他的电话号码,很是失望。

Ep 4

A furious Ziyao finds out Ruiyang rented a room to Minchen. Minchen puts up with him when he tries to make things difficult for her. Ruiyang helps Yuling by bringing Tommy to the doctor and paying for his bills. Yuling is disappointed when her phone battery dies before she can pay Ruiyang and save his number. 梓尧得知睿阳瞒着自己将房间租给敏辰,气急败坏!梓尧被逼同意让敏辰母子暂时住下,故意处处刁难敏辰,敏辰只得咬牙忍受。睿阳不但帮语灵一起带Tommy去看医生,还帮忙还医药费。语灵要转账还睿阳钱,谁知手机却没电,来不及储存他的电话号码,很是失望。

Ep 5
46 mins

Ziyao finds Minchen baking a cake secretly. Instead of kicking her out, he feels sorry for Shaokang and gives her a second chance. Yuling haunts Ruiyang’s hangouts and narrowly misses him. Ruixing cuts up a photo of Minchen and Shaokang. Minchen finds it. She cleverly exposes Ruixing’s act as a nice girl. An emotional Ziyao nearly drives into an oncoming car. 敏辰偷偷烘烤蛋糕被发现,梓尧要母子连夜搬走,后看到邵康可怜兮兮,答应再给机会。语灵到睿阳曾出现的地方徘徊,却等不到他,待她离开后,睿阳才出现,二人错过相遇的机会。。。

Ep 5

Ziyao finds Minchen baking a cake secretly. Instead of kicking her out, he feels sorry for Shaokang and gives her a second chance. Yuling haunts Ruiyang’s hangouts and narrowly misses him. Ruixing cuts up a photo of Minchen and Shaokang. Minchen finds it. She cleverly exposes Ruixing’s act as a nice girl. An emotional Ziyao nearly drives into an oncoming car. 敏辰偷偷烘烤蛋糕被发现,梓尧要母子连夜搬走,后看到邵康可怜兮兮,答应再给机会。语灵到睿阳曾出现的地方徘徊,却等不到他,待她离开后,睿阳才出现,二人错过相遇的机会。。。

Ep 6
46 mins

Ziyao fails to earn his kids’ forgiveness after a fight. Minchen locks Shaokang outside the flat for stealing Ziyao’s phone for gaming. They make up tearily when she realises the reason for his theft. Ziyao finds out why Minchen is afraid of his ringtone. Ruiyang and Ruixing want Minchen gone when she stops cleaning up after them, but Ziyao has signed a one-year lease with Minchen. 梓尧与孩子发生冲突后自知理亏,想和解,不料孩子却不领情。敏辰以为邵康偷梓尧手机玩游戏,把他锁在屋外。之后得知邵康的目的...

Ep 6

Ziyao fails to earn his kids’ forgiveness after a fight. Minchen locks Shaokang outside the flat for stealing Ziyao’s phone for gaming. They make up tearily when she realises the reason for his theft. Ziyao finds out why Minchen is afraid of his ringtone. Ruiyang and Ruixing want Minchen gone when she stops cleaning up after them, but Ziyao has signed a one-year lease with Minchen. 梓尧与孩子发生冲突后自知理亏,想和解,不料孩子却不领情。敏辰以为邵康偷梓尧手机玩游戏,把他锁在屋外。之后得知邵康的目的...

Ep 7
46 mins

Ruiyang knows Keith is just toying with Yuling and worries for her when she lies to her mother for Keith. Convinced Minchen wants to replace their mother, Ruixing and Ruiyang play malicious pranks on her to drive her away, to no avail. Hoping to thwart any headway in Minchen and Ziyao’s relationship, they break into Ziyao’s room and find Minchen lying atop Ziyao. 睿阳看出Keith只想玩弄语灵的感情,之后又见到语灵为了不想让Keith 失望,而向母亲撒谎,很替语灵担心。睿星和睿阳以为敏辰想要做他们的新妈妈...

Ep 7

Ruiyang knows Keith is just toying with Yuling and worries for her when she lies to her mother for Keith. Convinced Minchen wants to replace their mother, Ruixing and Ruiyang play malicious pranks on her to drive her away, to no avail. Hoping to thwart any headway in Minchen and Ziyao’s relationship, they break into Ziyao’s room and find Minchen lying atop Ziyao. 睿阳看出Keith只想玩弄语灵的感情,之后又见到语灵为了不想让Keith 失望,而向母亲撒谎,很替语灵担心。睿星和睿阳以为敏辰想要做他们的新妈妈...

Ep 8
46 mins

Jiayi helps Minchen at the fruit stall when Shaokang falls sick. He gets conned into giving discounts and scolded by his cousin for skipping work. Ziyao yells at his kids for mocking his traditional pastries. The siblings argue and Ruixing rats Ruiyang out for renaming Ziyao’s file. A furious Ziyao drives Ruiyang out of the flat. Ruiyang decides to make a living by becoming a food streamer. 邵康生病,敏辰苦于水果店没人走不开,佳毅主动帮忙却被顾客误导,便宜卖水果,还因旷工被表哥责备。。。

Ep 8

Jiayi helps Minchen at the fruit stall when Shaokang falls sick. He gets conned into giving discounts and scolded by his cousin for skipping work. Ziyao yells at his kids for mocking his traditional pastries. The siblings argue and Ruixing rats Ruiyang out for renaming Ziyao’s file. A furious Ziyao drives Ruiyang out of the flat. Ruiyang decides to make a living by becoming a food streamer. 邵康生病,敏辰苦于水果店没人走不开,佳毅主动帮忙却被顾客误导,便宜卖水果,还因旷工被表哥责备。。。

Ep 9
46 mins

Jiayi’s advances and confession are met with Minchen’s tactful rejection. Yuling gets scolded by Jiahui for getting scammed in a group purchase. Now, she needs money to pay the other buyers. Ruiyang offers her a job as his assistant. While drunk, she tells Ruiyang her parents are divorced. The pair commiserate with each other. 佳毅频频向敏辰示好,在情急下更是脱口告白,却被敏辰委婉拒绝。语灵在团购中受骗,被嘉慧臭骂一顿,急需一笔钱来赔给其他人,睿阳于是邀请她来当自己的直播助理。语灵借酒消愁告知睿阳父母离婚一事,睿阳感同身受,两人惺惺相惜。

Ep 9

Jiayi’s advances and confession are met with Minchen’s tactful rejection. Yuling gets scolded by Jiahui for getting scammed in a group purchase. Now, she needs money to pay the other buyers. Ruiyang offers her a job as his assistant. While drunk, she tells Ruiyang her parents are divorced. The pair commiserate with each other. 佳毅频频向敏辰示好,在情急下更是脱口告白,却被敏辰委婉拒绝。语灵在团购中受骗,被嘉慧臭骂一顿,急需一笔钱来赔给其他人,睿阳于是邀请她来当自己的直播助理。语灵借酒消愁告知睿阳父母离婚一事,睿阳感同身受,两人惺惺相惜。

Ep 10
46 mins

Minchen finds out Yuling has been impersonating Ruiyang to scam his fans. A disappointed Ruiyang ends things with Yuling. Unbeknownst to him, Yuling is taking the fall for Keith. A shocked Shaokang gives Minchen the cold shoulder when she tells him about her divorce. Minchen thinks Jiayi was in an accident and rushes to the hospital. Convinced that Minchen cares for him, Jiayi confesses again. 睿阳遭粉丝指责他诈骗,敏辰帮忙调查,意外发现竟然是语灵冒充睿阳诈骗。睿阳对语灵失望至极,与她决裂...

Ep 10

Minchen finds out Yuling has been impersonating Ruiyang to scam his fans. A disappointed Ruiyang ends things with Yuling. Unbeknownst to him, Yuling is taking the fall for Keith. A shocked Shaokang gives Minchen the cold shoulder when she tells him about her divorce. Minchen thinks Jiayi was in an accident and rushes to the hospital. Convinced that Minchen cares for him, Jiayi confesses again. 睿阳遭粉丝指责他诈骗,敏辰帮忙调查,意外发现竟然是语灵冒充睿阳诈骗。睿阳对语灵失望至极,与她决裂...

Ep 11
46 mins

To Minchen’s dismay, Shaokang stops talking—even during his oral exam. Ziyao advises Minchen to bring Shaokang to a psychologist, who diagnoses him with selective mutism. Jiayi offers Minchen words of comfort and encouragement when she blames herself, believing her negligence led to Shaokang’s condition. 敏辰苦恼邵康始终不肯开口说话,连学校里的口试考试,邵康依旧一言不发。梓尧观察邵康,担心他是有心理障碍,建议敏辰带他去看心理医生。心理医生诊断出邵康患上选择性缄默症,需要进行治疗。敏辰知道后自责不已,认为是自己的疏忽害到邵康生病,佳毅只能在旁陪伴鼓励和安慰。

Ep 11

To Minchen’s dismay, Shaokang stops talking—even during his oral exam. Ziyao advises Minchen to bring Shaokang to a psychologist, who diagnoses him with selective mutism. Jiayi offers Minchen words of comfort and encouragement when she blames herself, believing her negligence led to Shaokang’s condition. 敏辰苦恼邵康始终不肯开口说话,连学校里的口试考试,邵康依旧一言不发。梓尧观察邵康,担心他是有心理障碍,建议敏辰带他去看心理医生。心理医生诊断出邵康患上选择性缄默症,需要进行治疗。敏辰知道后自责不已,认为是自己的疏忽害到邵康生病,佳毅只能在旁陪伴鼓励和安慰。

Ep 12
46 mins

Ziyao buys sanitary pads for Ruixing and brings her out to buy bras and gets teased by female customers. Yuling and Ruiyang help a drunk Keith home, then search his home for evidence of his crime doing. Ruiyang decides to let things rest when Keith blackmails him with Yuling’s nudes. Yuling turns up at Keith’s place to search for evidence. Keith exposes her act and tries to force himself on her. 梓尧硬着头皮帮睿星买卫生棉,还带她去买内衣,却搞到狼狈不堪,被女顾客取笑。。。

Ep 12

Ziyao buys sanitary pads for Ruixing and brings her out to buy bras and gets teased by female customers. Yuling and Ruiyang help a drunk Keith home, then search his home for evidence of his crime doing. Ruiyang decides to let things rest when Keith blackmails him with Yuling’s nudes. Yuling turns up at Keith’s place to search for evidence. Keith exposes her act and tries to force himself on her. 梓尧硬着头皮帮睿星买卫生棉,还带她去买内衣,却搞到狼狈不堪,被女顾客取笑。。。

Ep 13
46 mins

Ziyao’s neighbour blames the lack of a motherly figure for Ruixing’s behaviour. Ziyao defends Ruixing and their bond strengthens. Ruiyang uses Minchen to get his girlfriend to back off. When Ziyao asks Shaokang if he’s okay with a new dad, Shaokang says he wants Ziyao to be his dad. Upset by how cozy Minchen is with Ruiyang, Ziyao tells Minchen to break up with Ruiyang. 邻居又当着梓尧的面骂睿星没有妈妈教,梓尧忍不住教训她,为睿星出一口气,父女关系拉近。睿阳为了让女友知难而退,拉敏辰当挡箭牌。此举却被梓尧误会...

Ep 13

Ziyao’s neighbour blames the lack of a motherly figure for Ruixing’s behaviour. Ziyao defends Ruixing and their bond strengthens. Ruiyang uses Minchen to get his girlfriend to back off. When Ziyao asks Shaokang if he’s okay with a new dad, Shaokang says he wants Ziyao to be his dad. Upset by how cozy Minchen is with Ruiyang, Ziyao tells Minchen to break up with Ruiyang. 邻居又当着梓尧的面骂睿星没有妈妈教,梓尧忍不住教训她,为睿星出一口气,父女关系拉近。睿阳为了让女友知难而退,拉敏辰当挡箭牌。此举却被梓尧误会...

Ep 14
46 mins

Minchen convinces Ziyao she isn’t spying for Shuying despite keeping in contact with her. Yuling finds Ruiyang working at Keith’s bar and concludes the two men conspired to con her. Ruiyang fails to explain himself or confess his feelings for her. Li Mei forces the family heirloom, a gold bracelet, onto Minchen, then demands Jiayi break up with her when she finds out she is a single mother. 梓尧发现敏辰和舒莹私下联络,认定敏辰是舒莹派来监视他们,经敏辰解释后,梓尧终于不再追究。。。

Ep 14

Minchen convinces Ziyao she isn’t spying for Shuying despite keeping in contact with her. Yuling finds Ruiyang working at Keith’s bar and concludes the two men conspired to con her. Ruiyang fails to explain himself or confess his feelings for her. Li Mei forces the family heirloom, a gold bracelet, onto Minchen, then demands Jiayi break up with her when she finds out she is a single mother. 梓尧发现敏辰和舒莹私下联络,认定敏辰是舒莹派来监视他们,经敏辰解释后,梓尧终于不再追究。。。

Ep 15
46 mins

Shuying returns to Singapore. She finds out Ruiyang has been drinking and getting into fights and confronts Ziyao. The two part on unhappy terms. Yuling finds out Keith used fake nudes of hers to blackmail Ruiyang into working as an escort at his bar. She confronts and slaps Keith. Ruiyang comforts her when she blames herself for falling for Keith’s trap. She breaks down and weeps in his arms. 舒莹回到新加坡,得知睿阳喝酒被捡尸又打架闹事,质问梓尧,梓尧对舒莹冷嘲热讽,两人依旧不欢而散。。。

Ep 15

Shuying returns to Singapore. She finds out Ruiyang has been drinking and getting into fights and confronts Ziyao. The two part on unhappy terms. Yuling finds out Keith used fake nudes of hers to blackmail Ruiyang into working as an escort at his bar. She confronts and slaps Keith. Ruiyang comforts her when she blames herself for falling for Keith’s trap. She breaks down and weeps in his arms. 舒莹回到新加坡,得知睿阳喝酒被捡尸又打架闹事,质问梓尧,梓尧对舒莹冷嘲热讽,两人依旧不欢而散。。。

Ep 16
46 mins

Shuying looks forward to spending her birthday with her kids. On the day, Ruixing pranks and embarrasses her. Shuying tries to bond with Ruixing and is distraught at how much Ruixing hates her. Li Mei makes a scene at the fruit stall, embarrassing Minchen. Jiayi refuses to return to Sarawak or to break up with Minchen when she tries to break up with him. 舒莹满怀期待与孩子一起过生日,没料到睿星却趁机恶整舒莹,让舒莹出尽洋相!舒莹尝试接近睿星,得知睿星内心对自己的怨恨极深,难过不已。李梅跑到水果店大闹,让敏辰难堪,并要佳毅回砂拉越...

Ep 16

Shuying looks forward to spending her birthday with her kids. On the day, Ruixing pranks and embarrasses her. Shuying tries to bond with Ruixing and is distraught at how much Ruixing hates her. Li Mei makes a scene at the fruit stall, embarrassing Minchen. Jiayi refuses to return to Sarawak or to break up with Minchen when she tries to break up with him. 舒莹满怀期待与孩子一起过生日,没料到睿星却趁机恶整舒莹,让舒莹出尽洋相!舒莹尝试接近睿星,得知睿星内心对自己的怨恨极深,难过不已。李梅跑到水果店大闹,让敏辰难堪,并要佳毅回砂拉越...

Ep 17
46 mins

When Ziyao faints, Shuying arranges for a detailed checkup, which Ziyao refuses to take. Yuling spurs Ruiyang on to become an influencer and becomes his assistant. Sparks fly between the two. Touched by Jiayi’s gestures to prove his love for her, Minchen tries to gain Li Mei’s acceptance. Guanjun hopes to reconcile with his family, but Minchen rejects him and Shaokang says he’s got a new dad. 梓尧不舒服晕倒被舒莹看见,舒莹请医生帮梓尧检查,并安排进一步检查,却遭梓尧拒绝。语灵鼓励睿阳当回网红...

Ep 17

When Ziyao faints, Shuying arranges for a detailed checkup, which Ziyao refuses to take. Yuling spurs Ruiyang on to become an influencer and becomes his assistant. Sparks fly between the two. Touched by Jiayi’s gestures to prove his love for her, Minchen tries to gain Li Mei’s acceptance. Guanjun hopes to reconcile with his family, but Minchen rejects him and Shaokang says he’s got a new dad. 梓尧不舒服晕倒被舒莹看见,舒莹请医生帮梓尧检查,并安排进一步检查,却遭梓尧拒绝。语灵鼓励睿阳当回网红...

Ep 18
46 mins

Diagnosed with coronary artery disease, Ziyao places the kids in Shuying’s care without telling anyone why. Everyone is upset. Shuying suspects something is wrong. Guanjun waits for Shaokang outside his school and successfully earns his forgiveness. Xiulan steps in and brings Shaokang to Jiayi. Put off by Jiayi, Shaokang runs away. Xiulan panics when she can’t find him. 梓尧因心血管阻塞,决定将孩子交由舒莹照顾,众人不知他的病情,对他的决定很不谅解,梓尧却不多做解释,舒莹隐隐感觉到梓尧有事隐瞒。冠军等邵康放学...

Ep 18

Diagnosed with coronary artery disease, Ziyao places the kids in Shuying’s care without telling anyone why. Everyone is upset. Shuying suspects something is wrong. Guanjun waits for Shaokang outside his school and successfully earns his forgiveness. Xiulan steps in and brings Shaokang to Jiayi. Put off by Jiayi, Shaokang runs away. Xiulan panics when she can’t find him. 梓尧因心血管阻塞,决定将孩子交由舒莹照顾,众人不知他的病情,对他的决定很不谅解,梓尧却不多做解释,舒莹隐隐感觉到梓尧有事隐瞒。冠军等邵康放学...

Ep 19
46 mins

Yuling confesses to a drunk Ruiyang and kisses him. Unbeknownst to her, he is feigning sleep. Despite liking Yuling, Ruiyang is afraid of taking the first step and distances himself from her, to her dismay. Ruiyang secretly posts Ziyao’s toy figure on a crowdfunding website. When Ruiyang fails to hand the funds raised to Ziyao, Ziyao accuses him of being a scam and slaps him. 语灵向睿阳表白,见睿阳喝醉了没反应,情不自禁吻睿阳的脸颊,殊不知睿阳只是装睡。睿阳虽也喜欢语灵,却没有勇气开始,并刻意疏远语灵...

Ep 19

Yuling confesses to a drunk Ruiyang and kisses him. Unbeknownst to her, he is feigning sleep. Despite liking Yuling, Ruiyang is afraid of taking the first step and distances himself from her, to her dismay. Ruiyang secretly posts Ziyao’s toy figure on a crowdfunding website. When Ruiyang fails to hand the funds raised to Ziyao, Ziyao accuses him of being a scam and slaps him. 语灵向睿阳表白,见睿阳喝醉了没反应,情不自禁吻睿阳的脸颊,殊不知睿阳只是装睡。睿阳虽也喜欢语灵,却没有勇气开始,并刻意疏远语灵...

Ep 20
46 mins

Guanjun strives to save his marriage, but Minchen’s mind remains unchanged. Convinced that Ziyao is the new dad Shaokang spoke of, he confronts Ziyao. Aware he has nowhere to run, Keith ambushes Ruiyang, who is narrowly saved by Guanjun. Meanwhile, Ziyao, who is on his last legs, gets a heart attack. 冠军极力想挽回婚姻,奈何敏辰心意已决,坚决不给冠军机会。冠军认定梓尧就是邵康的新爸爸,悻悻然找上门!Keith自知难逃法网,暗地里袭击睿阳,就在危急时刻,冠军挺身而出,救了睿阳,而梓尧却在此时因体力透支,导致心脏病发作…

Ep 20

Guanjun strives to save his marriage, but Minchen’s mind remains unchanged. Convinced that Ziyao is the new dad Shaokang spoke of, he confronts Ziyao. Aware he has nowhere to run, Keith ambushes Ruiyang, who is narrowly saved by Guanjun. Meanwhile, Ziyao, who is on his last legs, gets a heart attack. 冠军极力想挽回婚姻,奈何敏辰心意已决,坚决不给冠军机会。冠军认定梓尧就是邵康的新爸爸,悻悻然找上门!Keith自知难逃法网,暗地里袭击睿阳,就在危急时刻,冠军挺身而出,救了睿阳,而梓尧却在此时因体力透支,导致心脏病发作…

Additional Information

Parental guidance advised for young children