The Chinese Footprint


In THE CHINESE FOOTPRINT, discover little-known communities with Chinese migrant origins. Some are distant from their Chinese roots; others retain an unmistakable essence. As we enter these exotic, remote lands and war-stricken locales, we immerse deeply into the people's lives and legacies. 自古以来,华人便因各种缘由,离家远航至世界各地。 海水到处有华人,只要有阳光的地方,就可以找到华人的踪迹。本系列将聚焦华人移居的冷门目的地或特色华人群体,循着这些远方华人的蛛丝马迹,揭开他们在特殊的异国风情下,精彩的生命故事。

The Chinese diaspora is everywhere in the world. No matter how far and wide one roams, one is likely to find traces of their footprints and stories. In "The Chinese Footprint 2", the host will visit exotic and remote destinations for Chinese immigrants such as Bahrain, Hungary, Bulgaria, Georgia, Sibu, and more. Tracing the footsteps of the Chinese in faraway lands, this series will present inspiring and exciting stories of the Chinese and how they strive for a living abroad. 海水到处有华人。只要有阳光的地方,就可以找到华人的足迹和故事。《远方的华人》第二系列,主持人远赴巴林、匈牙利、保加利亚、格鲁吉亚、砂劳越诗巫等地,寻访移居当地的华人,揭开了在特殊的异国风情下生活的付出与挣扎。循着这些远方华人的蛛丝马迹,为观众呈献更多的精彩华人奋斗故事。

Ep 1 Bulgaria
45 mins

Compared to other European nations, Bulgaria is considered a less attractive destination for immigrants as its economy is still developing. Who are the Chinese who've settled down in this mountainous country and dedicated themselves to spreading traditional Chinese medicine in foreign land? 保加利亚位于欧洲东南部,是个多山之国,和其他欧洲国家相比,保加利亚相对落后,并不是移民天堂。生活在这片大山之下的华人,如何在语言不通的异乡生存、打拼,甚至悬壶济世,把古老的中医哲学发扬光大。

Ep 1 Bulgaria

Compared to other European nations, Bulgaria is considered a less attractive destination for immigrants as its economy is still developing. Who are the Chinese who've settled down in this mountainous country and dedicated themselves to spreading traditional Chinese medicine in foreign land? 保加利亚位于欧洲东南部,是个多山之国,和其他欧洲国家相比,保加利亚相对落后,并不是移民天堂。生活在这片大山之下的华人,如何在语言不通的异乡生存、打拼,甚至悬壶济世,把古老的中医哲学发扬光大。

Ep 2 Bahrain
46 mins

Bahrain is home to Chinese individuals who've migrated there for a living, Chinese women who've married into Bahraini families, and children who are of Bahraini-Chinese parentage. With such major differences in Chinese and Middle Eastern religion and culture, how do they overcome the challenges? 巴林位于波斯湾西南部,是中东最小的国家。华人和中东人在种族、宗教、文化上的差异很大,远嫁巴林的华族女子,土生土长的华裔混血儿,以及为生活打拼移居巴林的华人,究竟面对了多少挑战与挫折?

Ep 2 Bahrain

Bahrain is home to Chinese individuals who've migrated there for a living, Chinese women who've married into Bahraini families, and children who are of Bahraini-Chinese parentage. With such major differences in Chinese and Middle Eastern religion and culture, how do they overcome the challenges? 巴林位于波斯湾西南部,是中东最小的国家。华人和中东人在种族、宗教、文化上的差异很大,远嫁巴林的华族女子,土生土长的华裔混血儿,以及为生活打拼移居巴林的华人,究竟面对了多少挑战与挫折?

Ep 3 Hungary
47 mins

Hungary, home to the largest Chinese diaspora population in Eastern Europe, is also known for the romance and flourishing art scene in Budapest. Did the Chinese immigrants venture to Hungary to pursue their artistic ambitions and freedom, or did they wish to spread Chinese culture? 匈牙利华人有约3万人,是东欧华人人口最多的国家。有人形容布达佩斯是浪漫之都,是孕育艺术家的摇篮,那么漂洋过海移居到匈牙利的一群华人究竟是为了追求艺术梦想、向往自由,还是发扬中华文化?

Ep 3 Hungary

Hungary, home to the largest Chinese diaspora population in Eastern Europe, is also known for the romance and flourishing art scene in Budapest. Did the Chinese immigrants venture to Hungary to pursue their artistic ambitions and freedom, or did they wish to spread Chinese culture? 匈牙利华人有约3万人,是东欧华人人口最多的国家。有人形容布达佩斯是浪漫之都,是孕育艺术家的摇篮,那么漂洋过海移居到匈牙利的一群华人究竟是为了追求艺术梦想、向往自由,还是发扬中华文化?

Ep 4 Georgia
45 mins

The geography of Georgia is key to its thriving agriculture industry and is an essential pillar of the economy. How did the Chinese community settle down in Georgia and how did they come to play an important role in the development of tea plantations? 格鲁吉亚位于欧洲和亚洲交界的山脉地区,地理条件使农业成为当地主要的经济支柱,其中茶叶种植与发展和华人有很大关系。面对截然不同的文化、民情,移居当地的华人又如何在格鲁吉亚安家立业?

Ep 4 Georgia

The geography of Georgia is key to its thriving agriculture industry and is an essential pillar of the economy. How did the Chinese community settle down in Georgia and how did they come to play an important role in the development of tea plantations? 格鲁吉亚位于欧洲和亚洲交界的山脉地区,地理条件使农业成为当地主要的经济支柱,其中茶叶种植与发展和华人有很大关系。面对截然不同的文化、民情,移居当地的华人又如何在格鲁吉亚安家立业?

Ep 5 Sibu
45 mins

Over the last century, Sibu was seen by the Fuzhou Chinese as a land of opportunity. Some immigrants have kept their hometown traditions and others have assimilated into the local Sibu culture. In this "New Fuzhou", nostalgic traditions continued to be passed down for generations. 诗巫是马来西亚砂拉越第三大城市,人口有30万。100多年前,诗巫吸引了一群福州人来开垦拓荒。有人守住了原乡的味道,有人融入了异族的文化,在这个被称为 “新福州” 的地方,浓浓乡情一代接一代地延续下来。

Ep 5 Sibu

Over the last century, Sibu was seen by the Fuzhou Chinese as a land of opportunity. Some immigrants have kept their hometown traditions and others have assimilated into the local Sibu culture. In this "New Fuzhou", nostalgic traditions continued to be passed down for generations. 诗巫是马来西亚砂拉越第三大城市,人口有30万。100多年前,诗巫吸引了一群福州人来开垦拓荒。有人守住了原乡的味道,有人融入了异族的文化,在这个被称为 “新福州” 的地方,浓浓乡情一代接一代地延续下来。

Ep 6 Australia Bendigo
46 mins

In the 19th century, Bendigo, known as the "Big Gold Mountain", attracted numerous Chinese immigrants. Today, there remains a group of white-skinned, blond-haired Chinese descendants who retain a strong Chinese culture. What stories are there behind this group of little-known Chinese immigrants? 本迪戈是澳大利亚维多利亚州中部的一座城镇。19世纪时,有“大金山”之称的本迪戈吸引了大批怀抱淘金梦的华人涌入,至今还住了一群白皮肤、金头发的华人后裔,保留了浓烈的华族文化。这群鲜为人知的华人移民背后隐藏着怎样的故事?

Ep 6 Australia Bendigo

In the 19th century, Bendigo, known as the "Big Gold Mountain", attracted numerous Chinese immigrants. Today, there remains a group of white-skinned, blond-haired Chinese descendants who retain a strong Chinese culture. What stories are there behind this group of little-known Chinese immigrants? 本迪戈是澳大利亚维多利亚州中部的一座城镇。19世纪时,有“大金山”之称的本迪戈吸引了大批怀抱淘金梦的华人涌入,至今还住了一群白皮肤、金头发的华人后裔,保留了浓烈的华族文化。这群鲜为人知的华人移民背后隐藏着怎样的故事?

Ep 7 The Netherlands
46 mins

Amsterdam is the earliest gathering place in Europe among the Chinese diaspora and is regarded as a highly livable city. For over a century, the Netherlands has attracted large numbers of Chinese immigrants. What charm does this country hold? 阿姆斯特丹唐人街是欧洲最早的华人聚集区。作为欧洲的发达小国,荷兰没有大城市的喧嚣浮华,是许多人心生向往的宜居城市。百多年来,吸引了许多华人移民到来,组成为数不少的华人社区。这低洼之地,究竟有什么魅力?

Ep 7 The Netherlands

Amsterdam is the earliest gathering place in Europe among the Chinese diaspora and is regarded as a highly livable city. For over a century, the Netherlands has attracted large numbers of Chinese immigrants. What charm does this country hold? 阿姆斯特丹唐人街是欧洲最早的华人聚集区。作为欧洲的发达小国,荷兰没有大城市的喧嚣浮华,是许多人心生向往的宜居城市。百多年来,吸引了许多华人移民到来,组成为数不少的华人社区。这低洼之地,究竟有什么魅力?

Ep 8 Sabah
46 mins

Located in northern Borneo, Sabah is the place where the early seafaring Chinese landed. These Chinese immigrants married the aborigines of different local ethnic groups, resulting in a special mixed-race group, Sino and Tatana. What is the distinctive culture of these people? 婆罗洲北部的沙巴,是早期远洋华人靠岸的地方。来自远方的华人与当地不同族群的原住民通婚,繁衍出特殊的混血群体 - 华嘉族Sino与塔达纳族 Tatana。融合了祖辈不同的文化,他们的生活和传统华人有什么不同?

Ep 8 Sabah

Located in northern Borneo, Sabah is the place where the early seafaring Chinese landed. These Chinese immigrants married the aborigines of different local ethnic groups, resulting in a special mixed-race group, Sino and Tatana. What is the distinctive culture of these people? 婆罗洲北部的沙巴,是早期远洋华人靠岸的地方。来自远方的华人与当地不同族群的原住民通婚,繁衍出特殊的混血群体 - 华嘉族Sino与塔达纳族 Tatana。融合了祖辈不同的文化,他们的生活和传统华人有什么不同?

Ep 9 Belgium
46 mins

Belgium is a small country in Western Europe, sandwiched between neighboring France, Germany and the United Kingdom. Expats make up almost a tenth of the local population in this multi-ethnic society. How do the overseas Chinese pave their path in this diverse city of migrants? 比利时是西欧小国,夹在比邻的法国、德国和英国之间,是一个多元族群社会。住在比利时的外籍人士几乎占了当地人口的十分之一。在这座满是游子,语言文化复杂的城市,来自远洋的华人如何努力为自己寻找一席之地?

Ep 9 Belgium

Belgium is a small country in Western Europe, sandwiched between neighboring France, Germany and the United Kingdom. Expats make up almost a tenth of the local population in this multi-ethnic society. How do the overseas Chinese pave their path in this diverse city of migrants? 比利时是西欧小国,夹在比邻的法国、德国和英国之间,是一个多元族群社会。住在比利时的外籍人士几乎占了当地人口的十分之一。在这座满是游子,语言文化复杂的城市,来自远洋的华人如何努力为自己寻找一席之地?

Additional Information

Parental guidance advised for young children