Frieren: Beyond Journey's End
After ten long years of adventuring, the mage Frieren alongside the hero Himmel and his party members has defeated the Demon Lord and brought peace to the world.As an elf that can live for more than a thousand years, Frieren went to travel alone, with a promise that she would reunite with Himmel and the others later on.50 years later, Frieren visited Himmel. However, in contrast to her being no different from how she was 50 years ago, Himmel has aged a lot and doesn't have long to live.A short time later, after seeing Himmel passes away before her own eyes, she finally realizes that she has never made any effort to ""understand people.""With that regret, Frieren heads on a journey to ""understand people.""On her journey, she will meet with all kinds of people and deal with all kinds of things.魔法使芙莉莲与勇者欣梅尔等人一同经历了10年的冒险,最终打倒魔王,替世界带来了和平。芙莉莲身为活了千年以上的精灵,她与欣梅尔等人约好再次相会后,便独自踏上旅程。在那之后过了50年,芙莉莲造访欣梅尔的所在地,但她与50年前长得一模一样,相较之下欣梅尔已经老去,早已时日无多。之后,芙莉莲亲眼见到过世的欣梅尔,深深体悟自己至今都没有去「了解他人」,对此感到懊悔的她,决定「为了了解他人」而踏上旅程。与各种人的相遇,以及各式各样的遭遇,正在这趟旅程的前方等着她──
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After ten long years of adventuring, the mage Frieren alongside the hero Himmel and his party members has defeated the Demon Lord and brought peace to the world.As an elf that can live for more than a thousand years, Frieren went to travel alone, with a promise that she would reunite with Himmel and the others later on.50 years later, Frieren visited Himmel. However, in contrast to her being no different from how she was 50 years ago, Himmel has aged a lot and doesn't have long to live.A short time later, after seeing Himmel passes away before her own eyes, she finally realizes that she has never made any effort to ""understand people.""With that regret, Frieren heads on a journey to ""understand people.""On her journey, she will meet with all kinds of people and deal with all kinds of things.魔法使芙莉莲与勇者欣梅尔等人一同经历了10年的冒险,最终打倒魔王,替世界带来了和平。芙莉莲身为活了千年以上的精灵,她与欣梅尔等人约好再次相会后,便独自踏上旅程。在那之后过了50年,芙莉莲造访欣梅尔的所在地,但她与50年前长得一模一样,相较之下欣梅尔已经老去,早已时日无多。之后,芙莉莲亲眼见到过世的欣梅尔,深深体悟自己至今都没有去「了解他人」,对此感到懊悔的她,决定「为了了解他人」而踏上旅程。与各种人的相遇,以及各式各样的遭遇,正在这趟旅程的前方等着她──
The party of Himmel the hero returned to the capital after defeating the demon king. While they reminisce on their 10-year journey, Frieren the elf doesn't think much of it and heads on another journey by herself. 50 years later, Frieren headed back to the capital. 勇者欣梅尔一行人击败魔王后凯旋,回到了王都。在他们各自回顾了十年来的冒险历程,同时思索接下来的人生时,精灵芙莉莲没有沉浸于感慨五十年后,芙莉莲为了遵守约定的约定再次前往王都。她将以这趟旅程相聚为契机,展开全新的旅程──
The party of Himmel the hero returned to the capital after defeating the demon king. While they reminisce on their 10-year journey, Frieren the elf doesn't think much of it and heads on another journey by herself. 50 years later, Frieren headed back to the capital. 勇者欣梅尔一行人击败魔王后凯旋,回到了王都。在他们各自回顾了十年来的冒险历程,同时思索接下来的人生时,精灵芙莉莲没有沉浸于感慨五十年后,芙莉莲为了遵守约定的约定再次前往王都。她将以这趟旅程相聚为契机,展开全新的旅程──
As Frieren visits her friend Heiter, she meets with Fern. Heiter asks Frieren to teach Fern magic. Then, in the middle of her journey, Frieren arrives in a village that has a statue of Himmel, and Frieren is reminded of a flower that he used to like. 芙莉莲前去巡视了森林深处的海塔时,遇见了与他同住的孤儿费伦。她受到海塔请托教导费伦魔法,而以某事为契机,芙莉莲与费伦一同踏上旅程。芙莉莲在旅行途中拜访了欣梅尔铜像的村子,并回想起他生前曾说过喜欢的花的过往……
As Frieren visits her friend Heiter, she meets with Fern. Heiter asks Frieren to teach Fern magic. Then, in the middle of her journey, Frieren arrives in a village that has a statue of Himmel, and Frieren is reminded of a flower that he used to like. 芙莉莲前去巡视了森林深处的海塔时,遇见了与他同住的孤儿费伦。她受到海塔请托教导费伦魔法,而以某事为契机,芙莉莲与费伦一同踏上旅程。芙莉莲在旅行途中拜访了欣梅尔铜像的村子,并回想起他生前曾说过喜欢的花的过往……
Frieren and Fern arrive at the trade city of Warm. Frieren tells Fern to split up and shop separately. Fern follows her in suspicion. After that, the two of them arrive at a village where a demon that Frieren and Himmel once fought, Qual, is sealed. 芙莉莲与费伦来到了交易都市瓦尔姆。费伦觉得提议分头采买物资的芙莉莲神情可疑,于是在西南尾随她,芙莉莲的最终目的是…… ……随后,来到了某个村落。那里封印着过去和芙莉莲与欣梅尔战斗过的魔族──库瓦尔。
Frieren and Fern arrive at the trade city of Warm. Frieren tells Fern to split up and shop separately. Fern follows her in suspicion. After that, the two of them arrive at a village where a demon that Frieren and Himmel once fought, Qual, is sealed. 芙莉莲与费伦来到了交易都市瓦尔姆。费伦觉得提议分头采买物资的芙莉莲神情可疑,于是在西南尾随她,芙莉莲的最终目的是…… ……随后,来到了某个村落。那里封印着过去和芙莉莲与欣梅尔战斗过的魔族──库瓦尔。
Frieren and Fern visits Eisen. Eisen asked them to help him search for the Great Mage Flamme's note. They found the likely place based on Heiter's research when he was still alive. Most things called Flamme's notes of often fakes, but is the one in that place the real thing? 芙莉莲与费伦前去查看艾冉。艾冉在叙旧时拜托两人帮忙寻找「大魔法使弗兰梅的手记」,三人便朝着海塔生前走去推算出的手记埋藏地点,进入森林深处。被称为弗兰梅手记的东西几乎都是假货,但位于该处的到底是冒牌货,还是……?
Frieren and Fern visits Eisen. Eisen asked them to help him search for the Great Mage Flamme's note. They found the likely place based on Heiter's research when he was still alive. Most things called Flamme's notes of often fakes, but is the one in that place the real thing? 芙莉莲与费伦前去查看艾冉。艾冉在叙旧时拜托两人帮忙寻找「大魔法使弗兰梅的手记」,三人便朝着海塔生前走去推算出的手记埋藏地点,进入森林深处。被称为弗兰梅手记的东西几乎都是假货,但位于该处的到底是冒牌货,还是……?
After reading the note left behind by Flamme, Frieren and Fern decided to head into the land where souls rest, Aureole, which is now near the Demon King's castle. As they entered a certain village, they heard rumors of people being taken away by ghosts. 芙莉莲与费伦决定朝着弗兰梅留下的手记中所记载的地点──「灵魂长眠之地」前进,便与艾冉道别并踏上旅途。究竟在如今魔王城所在的那个地方,能否与欣梅尔说上话呢……两个人人造访了某个村子后,听到说有好几个人带走了幽灵并失踪的消息。
After reading the note left behind by Flamme, Frieren and Fern decided to head into the land where souls rest, Aureole, which is now near the Demon King's castle. As they entered a certain village, they heard rumors of people being taken away by ghosts. 芙莉莲与费伦决定朝着弗兰梅留下的手记中所记载的地点──「灵魂长眠之地」前进,便与艾冉道别并踏上旅途。究竟在如今魔王城所在的那个地方,能否与欣梅尔说上话呢……两个人人造访了某个村子后,听到说有好几个人带走了幽灵并失踪的消息。
Stark who has been protecting the village in Riegel Canyon from the Solar Dragon turns out to be a coward. Even so, Frieren knows his true capabilities and asks for his help to defeat the dragon. Even if Stark is capable of slicing through giant crags, his hands couldn't stop shaking.修塔尔克居住在里格尔峡谷附近的村庄,他因为从红镜龙手中保护了村子而被誉为村子的英雄,但其实他是个胆小鬼。即使如此,芙莉莲仍对他的实力抱有期望,而向他提议要一起打倒红镜龙。修塔尔克有着能劈开巨石的力量,他的手却会不停发抖。究竟他会不会出现在战场上呢──?
Stark who has been protecting the village in Riegel Canyon from the Solar Dragon turns out to be a coward. Even so, Frieren knows his true capabilities and asks for his help to defeat the dragon. Even if Stark is capable of slicing through giant crags, his hands couldn't stop shaking.修塔尔克居住在里格尔峡谷附近的村庄,他因为从红镜龙手中保护了村子而被誉为村子的英雄,但其实他是个胆小鬼。即使如此,芙莉莲仍对他的实力抱有期望,而向他提议要一起打倒红镜龙。修塔尔克有着能劈开巨石的力量,他的手却会不停发抖。究竟他会不会出现在战场上呢──?
Frieren and the others arrived at a town she and Himmel once protected from the demons. As the town celebrates the Liberation Festival. Frieren sees the statues of themselves and remembers her past. Then, after arriving at a town ruled by Graf Granat, Frieren suddenly readies her staff. 芙莉莲等人来到了一座城镇,当地在举办名为「解放祭」的祭典前夜祭。那里是过去芙莉莲与欣梅尔等人从魔族手中保护的城镇。芙莉莲见到他们的铜像被建造于城镇中,想起了某件事── 之后,芙莉莲造访古拉纳特伯爵治理的城镇,她却在那里突然朝某个人物举起法杖──!
Frieren and the others arrived at a town she and Himmel once protected from the demons. As the town celebrates the Liberation Festival. Frieren sees the statues of themselves and remembers her past. Then, after arriving at a town ruled by Graf Granat, Frieren suddenly readies her staff. 芙莉莲等人来到了一座城镇,当地在举办名为「解放祭」的祭典前夜祭。那里是过去芙莉莲与欣梅尔等人从魔族手中保护的城镇。芙莉莲见到他们的铜像被建造于城镇中,想起了某件事── 之后,芙莉莲造访古拉纳特伯爵治理的城镇,她却在那里突然朝某个人物举起法杖──!
Frieren was arrested and put into the dungeon for trying to fire magic at Lügner, a demon who is currently going for peace talks with Graf Granat. Lügner considers Frieren a threat, and Draht is attempting to take Frieren's life. Meanwhile, Fern and Stark are making attempts to rescue Frieren. 侍奉魔族阿乌拉的琉古纳他们来向古拉纳特伯爵提出和谈,芙莉莲由于企图对他们施放魔法,而被逮捕并送入监牢。琉古纳将做出此举的芙莉莲视为危险人物,同样隶属于阿乌拉的多拉特则盯上了芙莉莲的性命。费伦与修塔尔克也为了救出芙莉莲展开行动。
Frieren was arrested and put into the dungeon for trying to fire magic at Lügner, a demon who is currently going for peace talks with Graf Granat. Lügner considers Frieren a threat, and Draht is attempting to take Frieren's life. Meanwhile, Fern and Stark are making attempts to rescue Frieren. 侍奉魔族阿乌拉的琉古纳他们来向古拉纳特伯爵提出和谈,芙莉莲由于企图对他们施放魔法,而被逮捕并送入监牢。琉古纳将做出此举的芙莉莲视为危险人物,同样隶属于阿乌拉的多拉特则盯上了芙莉莲的性命。费伦与修塔尔克也为了救出芙莉莲展开行动。
Frieren headed outside the town and went face-to-face with Aura the Guillotine, one of the Seven Sages of Destruction, wielding both enormous amounts of mana and endless armies of the dead. Meanwhile, after rescuing Graf Granat, Fern and Stark has to face the evil clutches of Lügner and linie. 芙莉莲独自离开城镇,并与七崩贤「断头台阿乌拉」对峙。有着庞大魔力的阿乌拉操控死者军团,一个接一个向芙莉莲发起攻击。另一方面,费伦与修塔尔克救出古拉纳特伯爵,但琉古纳与莉妮耶的魔爪也伸向了他们两人……芙莉莲一行人与阿乌拉军的战况即将白热化。
Frieren headed outside the town and went face-to-face with Aura the Guillotine, one of the Seven Sages of Destruction, wielding both enormous amounts of mana and endless armies of the dead. Meanwhile, after rescuing Graf Granat, Fern and Stark has to face the evil clutches of Lügner and linie. 芙莉莲独自离开城镇,并与七崩贤「断头台阿乌拉」对峙。有着庞大魔力的阿乌拉操控死者军团,一个接一个向芙莉莲发起攻击。另一方面,费伦与修塔尔克救出古拉纳特伯爵,但琉古纳与莉妮耶的魔爪也伸向了他们两人……芙莉莲一行人与阿乌拉军的战况即将白热化。
The great mage Flamme lived over a thousand years ago, and is historically considered a hero despite being only human. One day she met Frieren, a lone survivor of an elven village that was destroyed by the Demon King's army. Meanwhile, the battle between Frieren and Aura reaches its climax. 大魔法使弗兰梅,存活于千年以前,身为人类却是在历史上被誉为「英雄」的魔法使。她某天在遭到魔王军袭击而全灭的精灵聚落中,遇见了独自幸存下来的芙莉莲。弗兰梅教导芙莉莲的事物究竟是……然后,芙莉莲与阿乌拉的战斗终于分出胜负。
The great mage Flamme lived over a thousand years ago, and is historically considered a hero despite being only human. One day she met Frieren, a lone survivor of an elven village that was destroyed by the Demon King's army. Meanwhile, the battle between Frieren and Aura reaches its climax. 大魔法使弗兰梅,存活于千年以前,身为人类却是在历史上被誉为「英雄」的魔法使。她某天在遭到魔王军袭击而全灭的精灵聚落中,遇见了独自幸存下来的芙莉莲。弗兰梅教导芙莉莲的事物究竟是……然后,芙莉莲与阿乌拉的战斗终于分出胜负。
Frieren, Fern, and Stark defeated Aura and her army. Graf Granat gave the highest gratitude to Frieren for bringing peace and holding a funeral for the men who were once under Aura's control. They continued on their journey, but the winter on the road to the Northern Lands was harsher than expected. 芙莉莲、费伦以及修塔尔克打倒了阿乌拉等魔族。和平到来之后,古拉纳特伯爵吊唁了死后也受到阿乌拉操控的部下,并向芙莉莲表达最大的谢意。芙莉莲等人再次踏上旅程,但冬天的北方诸国道路比想像中还要严峻……而他们在那里遇见了一位武僧。
Frieren, Fern, and Stark defeated Aura and her army. Graf Granat gave the highest gratitude to Frieren for bringing peace and holding a funeral for the men who were once under Aura's control. They continued on their journey, but the winter on the road to the Northern Lands was harsher than expected. 芙莉莲、费伦以及修塔尔克打倒了阿乌拉等魔族。和平到来之后,古拉纳特伯爵吊唁了死后也受到阿乌拉操控的部下,并向芙莉莲表达最大的谢意。芙莉莲等人再次踏上旅程,但冬天的北方诸国道路比想像中还要严峻……而他们在那里遇见了一位武僧。
Frieren and the others arrived at the Village of the Sword. It was a place where 80 years ago Himmel pulled the "Sword of the Hero" that can only be pulled by the hero that would drive away the calamity that will destroy the world. Memories from 80 years ago start coming back to Frieren's mind. 芙莉莲等人造访了剑之村。那里是欣梅尔在80年前拔出「勇者之剑」的地方,而那把剑只有化解毁灭世界的巨大灾厄之人才拔得出来。芙莉莲为了尽到责任与村子四周涌现的魔物对峙,于是来到这个村子。然后在她的脑海中,浮现起80年前的过往回忆……
Frieren and the others arrived at the Village of the Sword. It was a place where 80 years ago Himmel pulled the "Sword of the Hero" that can only be pulled by the hero that would drive away the calamity that will destroy the world. Memories from 80 years ago start coming back to Frieren's mind. 芙莉莲等人造访了剑之村。那里是欣梅尔在80年前拔出「勇者之剑」的地方,而那把剑只有化解毁灭世界的巨大灾厄之人才拔得出来。芙莉莲为了尽到责任与村子四周涌现的魔物对峙,于是来到这个村子。然后在她的脑海中,浮现起80年前的过往回忆……
The group meets Sein, the younger brother of a priest of a church near the Alt Woods in the Northern Lands. Frieren is surprised to see how he can use advanced magic that can easily heal a hard-to-cure poison. They later heard that Sein once dreamed of becoming an adventurer. 芙莉莲等人在北方诸国亚鲁特森林的村子里,于教会遇见了一名神父的弟弟──赞恩。芙莉莲亲眼见识他随手将回天乏术的剧毒给解毒,对他高超的魔法感到吃惊。据说赞恩曾经梦想成为冒险者,但他没有踏上旅程,而是一直待在村里。赞恩的哥哥拜托芙莉莲等人,希望能将他带离村子……
The group meets Sein, the younger brother of a priest of a church near the Alt Woods in the Northern Lands. Frieren is surprised to see how he can use advanced magic that can easily heal a hard-to-cure poison. They later heard that Sein once dreamed of becoming an adventurer. 芙莉莲等人在北方诸国亚鲁特森林的村子里,于教会遇见了一名神父的弟弟──赞恩。芙莉莲亲眼见识他随手将回天乏术的剧毒给解毒,对他高超的魔法感到吃惊。据说赞恩曾经梦想成为冒险者,但他没有踏上旅程,而是一直待在村里。赞恩的哥哥拜托芙莉莲等人,希望能将他带离村子……
After Sein the priest joined the party, they arrived at Raad region. However, Fern and Stark are having a fight there. Turns out it was caused by Stark not preparing any gift for Fern's birthday. Sein tries to give some advice to both of them, but then Frieren calls out to him. 僧侣赞恩成为了伙伴,在他们造访拉特地区的某天,费伦跟修塔尔克大吵了一架。一问之下才知道,是因为修塔尔克在费伦生日没有准备任何东西。赞恩为了让两人和好便提出建议,而芙莉莲则对给出建议的赞恩说道……
After Sein the priest joined the party, they arrived at Raad region. However, Fern and Stark are having a fight there. Turns out it was caused by Stark not preparing any gift for Fern's birthday. Sein tries to give some advice to both of them, but then Frieren calls out to him. 僧侣赞恩成为了伙伴,在他们造访拉特地区的某天,费伦跟修塔尔克大吵了一架。一问之下才知道,是因为修塔尔克在费伦生日没有准备任何东西。赞恩为了让两人和好便提出建议,而芙莉莲则对给出建议的赞恩说道……
As Frieren and the group reach the village in Laub Hills, they find the villagers asleep from some sort of curse. According to Frieren, priests have blessings from the Goddess that make them resistant to curses. And so, the four of them set out to exterminate the monster causing it. 芙莉莲等人来到了拉欧布丘陵的村子,村民们却因为某种「诅咒」而沉睡着。根据芙莉莲所说,僧侣由于有女神大人的加护,「诅咒」很难对他们生效。对「诅咒」拥有抗性与知识的赞恩查出诅咒的种类与源头,四人便前往消灭造成沉睡的魔物。
As Frieren and the group reach the village in Laub Hills, they find the villagers asleep from some sort of curse. According to Frieren, priests have blessings from the Goddess that make them resistant to curses. And so, the four of them set out to exterminate the monster causing it. 芙莉莲等人来到了拉欧布丘陵的村子,村民们却因为某种「诅咒」而沉睡着。根据芙莉莲所说,僧侣由于有女神大人的加护,「诅咒」很难对他们生效。对「诅咒」拥有抗性与知识的赞恩查出诅咒的种类与源头,四人便前往消灭造成沉睡的魔物。
The group visited Old Man Voll, a dwarven warrior who once met Frieren back when she was adventuring with Himmel and the others. He has been protecting a certain village ever since. After that, the group finds signs of Sein's old friend in another village. 芙莉莲等四人拜访了弗尔爷爷──她过去与欣梅尔等人冒险时遇见的矮人战士。那位爷爷一直守护着某个村子,不让它被魔物攻击。芙莉莲在与他聊天的过程中,回想起欣梅尔说过的话……之后,他们造访某个聚落,那里有着过去与赞恩约好,要一起成为冒险者的亲友足迹。
The group visited Old Man Voll, a dwarven warrior who once met Frieren back when she was adventuring with Himmel and the others. He has been protecting a certain village ever since. After that, the group finds signs of Sein's old friend in another village. 芙莉莲等四人拜访了弗尔爷爷──她过去与欣梅尔等人冒险时遇见的矮人战士。那位爷爷一直守护着某个村子,不让它被魔物攻击。芙莉莲在与他聊天的过程中,回想起欣梅尔说过的话……之后,他们造访某个聚落,那里有着过去与赞恩约好,要一起成为冒险者的亲友足迹。
After finding clues about his friend's whereabouts, Sein is headed to a different path from Frieren and the others. Meanwhile, the village they're staying in is hit with a cold wave, and they have to stay for another month. One day, Fern and Stark argued, and Frieren asked Sein for help. 赞恩问到了好友战士大猩猩的行踪,但他的去向却与芙莉莲等人的目的地不同方向。就在这时,四人驻足的聚落遇到寒流,被迫在那停留一个月,而他们用了各自的方式来享受这段日子。某天,费伦跟修塔尔克吵架,芙莉莲去找赞恩帮忙,但是……
After finding clues about his friend's whereabouts, Sein is headed to a different path from Frieren and the others. Meanwhile, the village they're staying in is hit with a cold wave, and they have to stay for another month. One day, Fern and Stark argued, and Frieren asked Sein for help. 赞恩问到了好友战士大猩猩的行踪,但他的去向却与芙莉莲等人的目的地不同方向。就在这时,四人驻足的聚落遇到寒流,被迫在那停留一个月,而他们用了各自的方式来享受这段日子。某天,费伦跟修塔尔克吵架,芙莉莲去找赞恩帮忙,但是……
After going their separate ways with Sein, Frieren and the others finally arrived at Äußerst. To enter the Northern Plateau beyond it, they needed to have a first-class mage in their party, so they participated in the first-class mage exam. Many other skilled mages gathered at the site of the exam. 芙莉莲等人与赞恩道别,来到了魔法都市欧伊沙斯特。想要进入前方的北部高原,就有义务要找一级魔法使同行。一级魔法使测验会出现无人合格的情况,也会出现伤亡,是个非常困难的考试。干练的魔法使们都齐聚到芙莉莲与费伦前往的测验会场当中。
After going their separate ways with Sein, Frieren and the others finally arrived at Äußerst. To enter the Northern Plateau beyond it, they needed to have a first-class mage in their party, so they participated in the first-class mage exam. Many other skilled mages gathered at the site of the exam. 芙莉莲等人与赞恩道别,来到了魔法都市欧伊沙斯特。想要进入前方的北部高原,就有义务要找一级魔法使同行。一级魔法使测验会出现无人合格的情况,也会出现伤亡,是个非常困难的考试。干练的魔法使们都齐聚到芙莉莲与费伦前往的测验会场当中。
Participants of the first exam of the first-class mage selection test are grouped into a party of three, and they will only pass if they capture the Stille bird and still have their members together before sunset. With a tough task, the situation turned into a survival of the fittest. 一级魔法使测验的第一次测验分成三人一队,合格条件是在日落之前捕捉到栖息于测验地点的陨铁鸟,且队伍全员到齐。由于陨铁鸟难以捕捉,引发了受试者之间的争夺战──呈现出野外求生的各种样貌。与康涅及拉比涅组队的芙莉莲想出的作战计画是……
Participants of the first exam of the first-class mage selection test are grouped into a party of three, and they will only pass if they capture the Stille bird and still have their members together before sunset. With a tough task, the situation turned into a survival of the fittest. 一级魔法使测验的第一次测验分成三人一队,合格条件是在日落之前捕捉到栖息于测验地点的陨铁鸟,且队伍全员到齐。由于陨铁鸟难以捕捉,引发了受试者之间的争夺战──呈现出野外求生的各种样貌。与康涅及拉比涅组队的芙莉莲想出的作战计画是……
In the first mage exam, Fern and Ehre, Wirbel and Übel, and Land and Scharf are fighting. Wirbel and Übel fight with a spell they're specialized in, but Übel emits a sense of danger... Meanwhile, Frieren's team managed to capture a Stille, but they are targeted by Denken, Richter, and Laufen. 一级魔法使测验的第一次测验,费伦对上艾莉、威亚贝尔对上尤蓓尔,兰特则与夏尔夫对峙。威亚贝尔在和尤蓓尔各自用着自己的魔法战斗时,从她身上感受到了危险的气息……另一方面,芙莉莲小队捕获到陨铁鸟,却遭到邓肯、利希塔与拉欧芬这队锁定。
In the first mage exam, Fern and Ehre, Wirbel and Übel, and Land and Scharf are fighting. Wirbel and Übel fight with a spell they're specialized in, but Übel emits a sense of danger... Meanwhile, Frieren's team managed to capture a Stille, but they are targeted by Denken, Richter, and Laufen. 一级魔法使测验的第一次测验,费伦对上艾莉、威亚贝尔对上尤蓓尔,兰特则与夏尔夫对峙。威亚贝尔在和尤蓓尔各自用着自己的魔法战斗时,从她身上感受到了危险的气息……另一方面,芙莉莲小队捕获到陨铁鸟,却遭到邓肯、利希塔与拉欧芬这队锁定。
Denken's party managed to steal Frieren's Stille. Kanne and Lawine have to face Richter who has an overwhelming advantage in mana. Meanwhile, Frieren thought up a plan while facing Denken, all while the time limit of the first exam was approaching. 第一次调查一级魔法师时,邓肯小队被福里连等人类俘虏。 康宁与廉习的神通差异因战斗规模之大而进入战斗,而福日廉足在与邓的战斗中写下了一定的计划。 夕阳西下:第一次调查逐渐接近期限,第二次调查迎来重头戏! ?
Denken's party managed to steal Frieren's Stille. Kanne and Lawine have to face Richter who has an overwhelming advantage in mana. Meanwhile, Frieren thought up a plan while facing Denken, all while the time limit of the first exam was approaching. 第一次调查一级魔法师时,邓肯小队被福里连等人类俘虏。 康宁与廉习的神通差异因战斗规模之大而进入战斗,而福日廉足在与邓的战斗中写下了一定的计划。 夕阳西下:第一次调查逐渐接近期限,第二次调查迎来重头戏! ?
Eighteen people including Frieren and Fern passed the first exam. The participants went their separate ways while waiting for the next exam. Frieren and Fern returned to their lodging, but Stark caused Fern to be in a bad mood. To fix that, they went to the streets of Äußerst. 第一次测验有18人合格,芙莉莲与费伦也晋级至第二次测验。 测验将在三天后举办,合格者们各自解散,等待测验时间到来。 芙莉莲等人也回到了旅馆,但修塔尔克因为某件事惹得费伦不高兴。 为了让她消气,三人一起走向欧伊沙斯特的街上。 然后,考生们偶然地碰面……
Eighteen people including Frieren and Fern passed the first exam. The participants went their separate ways while waiting for the next exam. Frieren and Fern returned to their lodging, but Stark caused Fern to be in a bad mood. To fix that, they went to the streets of Äußerst. 第一次测验有18人合格,芙莉莲与费伦也晋级至第二次测验。 测验将在三天后举办,合格者们各自解散,等待测验时间到来。 芙莉莲等人也回到了旅馆,但修塔尔克因为某件事惹得费伦不高兴。 为了让她消气,三人一起走向欧伊沙斯特的街上。 然后,考生们偶然地碰面……
The second first-class mage exam prepared by its proctor, Sense, is a dungeon raid. Anyone who can make it to the innermost depths of the Ruins of the King's Tomb will pass. However, that place is an uncharted impregnable dungeon. What awaits them are monsters, traps, and an unexpected "magic". 一级魔法使测验第二次测验,主考官冉则准备的测验内容是攻略迷宫,并声称所有抵达「零落的王墓」最深处的人都算合格。 然而那里是个未曾有人走遍,难以攻破的迷宫。 芙莉莲等考生各自进入内部,在里头等待着他们的则是魔物、陷阱,以及惊人的「魔法」。
The second first-class mage exam prepared by its proctor, Sense, is a dungeon raid. Anyone who can make it to the innermost depths of the Ruins of the King's Tomb will pass. However, that place is an uncharted impregnable dungeon. What awaits them are monsters, traps, and an unexpected "magic". 一级魔法使测验第二次测验,主考官冉则准备的测验内容是攻略迷宫,并声称所有抵达「零落的王墓」最深处的人都算合格。 然而那里是个未曾有人走遍,难以攻破的迷宫。 芙莉莲等考生各自进入内部,在里头等待着他们的则是魔物、陷阱,以及惊人的「魔法」。
The participants of the second exam entered the Tomb of the Ruined King and came face-to-face with their clones. They have physical mass and have a complete copy of the original's strength, mana, and techniques. The most troubling one is a clone of Frieren that guarded the innermost depth. 考生们在第二次测验进入迷宫「零落的王墓」,而挡在众人面前的是他们的复制体。 那些复制体是由魔法制成的实体,实力、魔力与技术都完全与本人相同。 期间,尤蓓尔他们遭遇了自己的复制体。 另一方面,邓肯等人则被阻挡在芙莉莲的复制体面前……
The participants of the second exam entered the Tomb of the Ruined King and came face-to-face with their clones. They have physical mass and have a complete copy of the original's strength, mana, and techniques. The most troubling one is a clone of Frieren that guarded the innermost depth. 考生们在第二次测验进入迷宫「零落的王墓」,而挡在众人面前的是他们的复制体。 那些复制体是由魔法制成的实体,实力、魔力与技术都完全与本人相同。 期间,尤蓓尔他们遭遇了自己的复制体。 另一方面,邓肯等人则被阻挡在芙莉莲的复制体面前……
Additional Information
Premiered | 2023 |
Genres | anime, sci-fi and fantasy |
Seasons | 1 |